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Mesotherapy (Mesolipotherapy For Cellulite Reduction)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for fat removal treatments in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
· Those with excessive fat / flabby skin.
· Those who wish to have a balanced physical appearance.
· Those who wish to reduce the amount of fat in their body.
· Those who wish to slim down without using surgeries such as liposuction.

What is Mesotherapy?

For this treatment, mesotherapy is the method used for performing cellulite reduction, which is also known as mesolipotherapy, or a lypolysis injection.

Lipolysis Injection or its other name is also known as Mesotherapy. It is a simple procedure in which a drug is injected into your body and dissolves fat into subcutaneous fat. It is also known as spot fat reduction in which the treatment is done by injection into the specific area and massage gently for the solution to work on the fats. After injections for about 5 times at a 1 to 2 weeks interval, results start to show. Many choose mesotherapy over liposuction because mesotherapy is non-surgical and therefore has little to no downtime.

It is possible to conduct mesotherapy at most parts of the human body, such as the face (cheek and chin), arm, upper arm, upper knee, belly button, hip, thigh, calves, etc. Mesotherapy is absolutely recommended for those who do not want surgery.

How It Works

The main ingredient of mesotherapy is phosphatidylcholine, which acts on adipocytes effectively and helps to dissolve fat.

In addition, L-carnitine, which promotes fat excretion and anesthetic for relieving pain is included in the mesotherapy injection in order to achieve an even better slimming effect.

The fat that has been dissolved is absorbed into the blood via capillaries and will be discharged out of the body via urine.

Injections will be given at a maximum of 4 per day. At our affiliated clinic, the package includes 4 to 5 sessions of treatment, depending on the area to be treated. The sessions are recommended to be done every 2 weeks.

Mesolipotherapy Vs Liposuction

Mesolipotherapy, compared to liposuction, is a relatively painless and non-invasive treatment that does not require any incision for fats collection. This also means although light swelling and bruising may be experienced, there will be no scarring for mesolipotherapy treatment.

Mesotherapy Procedure

1. The injection sites are cooled
2. Injections are made using a very thin needle
3. Injection sites are massaged properly for the fat reduction

Advantages and Limitations of Mesotherapy

· Eliminates cellulite
· Promotes weight loss
· Provides anti-aging benefits
· Eliminates localized fat deposits
· Convenient way to lose weight
· Very safe procedure
· No downtime
· Suitable for those who are moderate and lean

· Around 5 injections are required for best results

Mesotherapy Post Care

· Avoid hot baths or showers for at least 48 hrs after the treatment
· Drink plenty of water on the day of treatment
· No strenuous exercise for at least 48 hrs
· No hot tubs or saunas for at least 2 weeks
· Avoid sunbathing for at least 48 hrs
· Use sunscreen regularly on the treated area and do not sunbathe intensely for at least 2 weeks


Q1: How do I know if I should not receive mesotherapy?
A1: The "phosphatidyl choline" contained in mesotherapy (fat dissolution injection) is mainly soy-based. Therefore, those who are
allergic to soy cannot undergo mesotherapy.

Q2: How long do the results of mesotherapy last?
A2: With a healthy diet and proper exercise, the effect can be maintained.

Q3: Are there going to be any side effects after my injection?
A3: Although there are no symptoms that are usually considered to be side effects, in rare cases there may be allergic reactions
such as redness and itching. It usually improves within a few hrs. In addition, some may develop allergy reactions.

Q4: Where can mesotherapy be done? Can I have it on my face?
A4: You can do this if the doctor agrees. But as a general answer, it can indeed be performed on the face.

Q5: When will the benefits of mesotherapy come out?
A5: At our affiliated clinic, it is recommended to have 8 to 10 sessions done (once a week).

Q6: Does mesotherapy cause swelling or internal bleeding?
A6: There is usually neither swelling nor internal bleeding. However, in rare cases, slight swelling and redness may occur
on the next day, but it disappears within a few days to a week.

Q7: Does Mesotherapy Improve Double Jaw?
A7: Double jaw improvement is possible. Mesotherapy can be effective wherever there is fat.

Q8: I also want to take medicine for medical diets such as Xenical, is it possible?
A8: Such is possible. It is possible to lose weight in a short span of time using medical diet medicines such as Xenical in combination with mesotherapy.

Q9: Will single treatment be effective?
A9: You might not be able to notice any obvious improvements from the first treatment itself; it is recommended to have at least 2 to 4 sessions before noticing the results.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Lyfe Clinic
[Location] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[Nearest Stations / Attractions] 10 mins drive from 1 Utama Shopping Centre, One World Hotel, and MRT Bandar Utama.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (9:00AM-7:00PM); Saturday (9:00AM-1:00PM)

运行时间 30 - 45 mins
恢复时间 None
术后就诊次数 Not required
住院治疗 Not required
地点 27, GF, Block A, 1, Jalan SS20/27,, Damansara Intan, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor